Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chambers Reunion 2012

The reunion was at The Hermitage, in Paris....Idaho. My sister Lynne did a wonderful job planning and preparing for this event!

We even got to see the Eiffel Tower!

Some of us went to the Theatre...well, the Pickleville Playhouse in Garden City.

We ate lots of good food.

The kids had a sponge water fight. Maden would only hit Syd with his wet sponges. 

We celebrated Chelsey, Suzanne and Cindy's birthdays.

We went to Bear Lake.

Some of us went to Bloomington Lake, and some of them went to the Minidonka Caves.

We played with cousins and played lots of games.

We had Family Home Evening.

Maden even found some time to relax.

It was a great reunion! We missed those that couldn't make it. Thank you Lynne for such a wonderful time!

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