Wednesday, September 4, 2024

August 2024


August 2 - A very smoky sunrise. Blake helped me deadhead the dianthus after I had done the roses.  He has a lot more patience than I did with those little blossoms. I got stuck in traffic on I15 on the way home from Idaho Falls.

August 3 - Blake went 4wheeling with Brian's family and Randy And Ryder. 

August 4 - Measuring day! All the grandkids got measured.  They have all grown quite a bit.

Cindy and Ken came, silly no pictures of them.  Cindy took the pictures of moving the hunting blind onto the trailer.

The kids all ate outside, Penny is jealous if Jared holds Scottlynn.  A fun game of Egyptian Rat Screw.  Ryder and Annie like looking at the blogbooks. Cindy got a turn to hold Scottlynn. Penny sat down by Ryder to read her book.  If I'm holding Scottlynn, I'm probably also holding Penny.  Aubrey braided Molly's hair so it was out of the way when she got her tonsils out the next day. 

August 5 - Randy took Cindy and Ken to the archery range.

We went to see Michelle's little free library.  Cindy found a friend on the patio. She got a selfie with Penny and Molly.

August 6 - We went to the "Museum of Clean" in Pocatello.  None of us had ever been there, it was actually pretty interesting and fun for the kids.  There is also an interactive, learning museum too.  

There was a place to put on costumes and plays.  The kids loved that.

There was a pretend pizza parlor, where they took orders and made pizzas out of felt pieces.  They really loved it and could have played for another hour.

After the museum, we drove around to a lot of Little Free Libraries in Pocatello.  Cindy would take a book or two and leave a book or two at each one.

August 7 - Ryder helped Blake make some muffins for breakfast.  Brian and Aubrey came down, and they played tennis at Matsurra's.  The friendly kitty came back for another visit.

Funny Scottlynn must enjoy watching her daddy play tennis.

Ken playing fetch or catch with Taz.  

Cindy trying to play with Paris, but she's too scared and has to run to Aubrey.  Ken gets a turn to hold Scottlynn.

August 8 - We went to visit Grandpa Paul and Grandma Beth.  We were sitting on the patio in the shade, but Grandma got cold, so Cindy moved her to the sun to visit with her.

We visited more Little Free Libraries in Idaho Falls.  More books taken and left.  There was one at an Urgent Care Clinic, at a church, a school and a storage unit.  

Cindy brought her "Billie" blankets because they needed some repairs.  I put some fancy new edges on, and patched some holes with some funky flannel.  Good as new for awhile.

I had to take a picture of Ken eating his tacos.  He uses the mixing bowl for the extra meat, etc.  He also uses it for oatmeal in the morning.

August 10 - Blake went to pick huckleberries with Brian, Aubrey and Scottlynn.

August 11 - Penny wants to be a baby like Scottlynn, then she wants to be big like everyone else and play a card game.

August 13 - We had a rare morning thunderstorm and a rainbow in the west! 

Shauna went with me to a Donny Osmond concert! He does a really great show! I loved it probably more than Shauna did.  I was sad to realize when I got home that I didn't get a picture of Shauna and I.

August 14 - More of God's artwork!

August 15 -  Penny even got to go up in the play land and McDonald's.  

We had another huge windstorm. It blew the grill into the middle of the patio, and blew the fake flowers out of their pots, I had to go rescue them from the lawn.  It knocked the power out for awhile, so Blake decided to try out the generator.  It worked fine until the Air Conditioner kicked on, then the stove wouldn't run.

August 18 - Another beautiful sunrise.  Penny thinks she's so funny to wear my shoes.

August 21 - First day of school for these three.  Molly And Ryder are in 4th grade, Hallie in Kindergarten.  They are all going to Groveland this year.

I got to go hang out with this cute Scottlynn girl for awhile.  

August 22 - Wonderful morning view.

August 23 - Our "Brody" tree has really grown this year. Love it!

August 24 - Blake helped Jared paint new pickle ball lines on his driveway.

The western sky is on fire!

August 25 - Scottlynn and Penny fighting over Grandpa.  Penny had to have a turn "holding" Scottlynn.  Paris came to have some cousin time with Happy.

August 26 - These four started a new school year! Declan is in 1st grade at Ammon Elementary. Clark is in 4th grade, Annie is in 6th grade at Summit Hills Elementary.  And Maden is a Freshman at Bonneville High School! 

August 28 - We went to the Lindsay Stirling concert with Adam & Michelle and Shauna and Troy.  Man, she does a good show! Playing the violin while dancing and on a trapeze.

August 29 - Another gorgeous summer sunrise.

August 30 - Blake and I went to the new Layton, Utah temple.  It was beautiful and big.  We are not good at taking selfies! We got stuck in traffic on I15 on the way home.  It took us about an hour to get 6 miles to the main Blackfoot exit!

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