Wednesday, March 17, 2021

February 2021


Feb. 2 - Counter tops and backsplash in Randy and Courtney's new house!  That's Cindy's fingers holding the backsplash up.

Feb. 5 - Cindy's standing on the counter to help Randy put the blinds in the window. This is after Randy and Courtney signed the papers at closing! The house is theirs!

Feb. 6 - Move in day! This is the only picture I took all day, and no one took any pictures of the moving process either.  It all went really smoothly and they got all moved it.  Brian's kids and Ryder got hang out with me while everyone was helping move.

Feb. 7 - Cindy and Ken's last day here, Randy, Jared and Cindy got in a game of Egyptian before Randy had to go to work.

We celebrated Hallie's birthday (it was on the 6th), and Grandma Beth's birthday (it is on the 9th).  Hallie loved the singing!

Hallie and Grandpa had fun reading some stories and singing "popcorn".  Hallie got to open some presents, lots of "Mickey" stuff.

Hallie loved showing me all her "Mickey" stuff and wearing her new blanket.  She's such a cutie.

Feb. 10 - I got to take this cute little 2 year old to lunch and to go shopping for her birthday present.  She's lucky enough that her mom got to come with us.  I'm really liking this new tradition for the kid's birthdays.

Feb.  12 - Well, the middle of February looks a little different than the middle of January.  We are so grateful for Randy for plowing us out.

Feb. 13 - Randy and Courtney hosted a pizza party in their beautiful new home. Sadly, these are the only pictures I have of the finished house.  

After pizza, we went bowling at Pindale Lanes.  The kids all had a great time.  Hallie wasn't very happy about sitting on my lap instead of bowling, so she got a turn at the very end.  

The grownups had a great time bowling, too.  There is just not a way to get real flattering pictures of bowling.  But, at least it's documented that they all were there, and that they bowled.

This is all of my granddaughters enjoying some ice cream.  Annie was very brave and let her dad pull out a molar that was loose, but wouldn't come out. She was relieved when it was out.

Feb. 19 - Now, Blake gets to spend some time with baby Paul.  We love having him come to visit.

Feb. 20 - More winter weather! Ryder had fun plowing with his dad for a little while.

Blake has started working at Teton Surgery Center in Idaho Falls, and he disliked the scrub hats there, so he went and chose some fabric and I made him up some that he really likes. Pretty fancy.

Feb. 26 - Blake was told by his knee doctor that he needed to ride a bike to strengthen his quads after surgery.  Since the weather turned into winter, he got a membership at Anytime Fitness so he can go ride the bikes there. 

Feb. 27 - Annie had a great time helping me make noodles for the chicken noodle soup.  She did a great job, and was very careful to cut them thin and then separate them and put them in the soup.  

With the help of Brian's friend Kylee, Nikelle and I were successful in planning a surprise party to celebrate Brian's birthday.  (His birthday is March 1) He was very surprised and the kids loved surprising him with cards and signs.  Hallie loves Brian, and had to be on his lap as we sang and ate soup. He got some new scrub hats too.

It's so fun to see Brian so happy.  We love you!

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