Monday, November 16, 2020

October 2020

October 2 - Work has begun on Randy and Courtney's house!  Ryder and Molly loved pretending to drive this machine.

October 3 - General Conference Weekend  - There was a lot of painting, playing and napping.  Then, there was a shoe fashion show.

October 6 - Blake decided to clean out the rain gutters using his leaf blower.  It worked really well to get the dust out, so it doesn't turn into mud when it rains. After finishing our house, he went over and did my parents, there's lots of dust coming out!

October 7, 8, & 9 - Things are really happening at the new house!

October 9 & 10 - So, on Friday afternoon Jared, Randy and Brian loaded up in Brian's truck and headed toward Cindy's.  The purpose of this little trip was to go to Maine and pick up a utility trailer loaded with Nikelle's parents belongings and then drive it home to Rupert, unload it and then the trailer would belong to Jared to use for work.  They drove through the night and arrived at Cindy's on Saturday afternoon.  It was fun that Randy shared his location with me, so I could track their progress.

October 11 - They left Cindy's at 3:00 on Sunday morning heading east. They arrived in New Hampshire in time to get some good Maine lobster.  They stayed in a hotel, then on Monday morning hooked onto the trailer and started the return trip to Cindy's.  

October 13 - They spent the day with Cindy, doing a workout, and just resting up.

They went down to the Sandhills and the beach for a while.  I think it was a fun time for the 4 of them to be together.  The boys headed west early on Wednesday, October 14th.  It was a lot slower going with the trailer and the strong winds.

October 14 - a lot of progress on the new house! Plumbers and HVAC have been working, and shingles have arrived.  They got some windows and doors installed too.  Unfortunately, this was the wrong front door and has now been removed. 

October 15 - After driving all night in strong winds, the boys made it to Rupert about 7:00 am.  They got unloaded and then drove home! Now Jared has a nice new trailer, and they had a grand adventure! We were all very thankful that they made it home safely!

It was also my birthday, Ryder made me this cute card and came to help me blow the candles out on my pumpkin roll. Such a cute boy.

October 16 - I went out to the front porch to see if I had a package, and looked up to see the beginnings of this beautiful sunrise! It took my breath away.  I stood in the cold for 14 minutes taking pictures.  I had tears streaming down my face as I felt such gratitude to see such a beautiful sight in this crazy, confused world. I was filled with love and gratitude to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for creating this for me.  I remembered how much they love me! I'm so grateful for my knowledge that the The Son, Jesus Christ did rise again, and that because of Him, I can rise also, not just from the grave, but from the trials, mistakes, tribulations and troubles in this world.

October 16 - Now that the boys got home, the work began on wiring in the new house.  Jared and Randy put a lot of hours and a lot of wire into the house.

October 17 - The work on the house continued! My nephew Joseph came to help out, he did more than electrical work, he installed the boxed soffits on the eves.  Ryder helped by climbing up and down the ladder.  We took some lunch to the workers and had a picnic in the garage.

While the men worked, we played.  Molly and Hallie were doing some "wall sits". Of course I wasn't able to catch Hallie actually doing them! Michael and James came to play, and so did my Mom and Akaila, and Adam and Michelle.  It was a fun day.

October 18 - My orchid is blooming! It hasn't bloomed for over a year and a half! I was just about to give up on it.  Brian brought his kids down for the afternoon, we made spaghetti!

October 23 - Another beautiful sunrise.  

October 24 - Wiring continues.....with some new helpers.

While the men worked, more fun happened at our house.  I tried to cut Hallie's mullet off.  She didn't love it!, but we got it trimmed up.  Maden, Annie and Clark came to play for a little while.

October 25 - Hallie got to stay the night, she has the cutest bed hair.  Then she thought she was big enough to sit at the table with the big kids.

October 27 - Another beautiful sunrise! 

October 28 - Blake got real creative and used the lawn mower to carry the air compressor to the pump, so he could blow the sprinkler lines out.  It took him 6 trips, so it was nice to just leave it on the lawn mower to take it back and forth.

I went up to tend Molly and Hallie and took some paint with water books.  Both girls loved it!

October 30 - Annie's 8th birthday! What a cutie.  She and I had a fun little date on the 26th, I'm sad I didn't get any pictures!  We went to lunch and went shopping.  She had a great time picking out her own birthday present. It was a fun day!

More work on the wiring!

October 31 - Halloween - Molly and Hallie came down to Blackfoot, while their daddy worked on the wiring.  Hallie really wasn't sure she liked Ryder in his skeleton mask.  Michael and James got to be in on the fun too. Brian sent this picture of his cute kids before they went trick or treating.  It was a nice warm evening.

Trunk or treat fun! it's such a great, safe way for kids to get the candy! My parents backed their car over to the school early, so Nikelle, Michelle and I just handed out candy while the daddy's walked the kids around to get their candy.

This time it is a moon rise.  It was a beautiful full moon! 

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