Sunday, May 10, 2020

April 2020

April has turned out to be more of what we were dealing with in March. The stay at home order was extended to April 30, so it was the whole month.  The virus didn't hit our area as bad as it was thought it would. We will never know if it was because of everyone staying to themselves, or just because.

Cindy and Ken decided they couldn't come on April 18th as they had planned, which made me sad, but I totally understand.  Brian, Randy and Jared have come a few times, but not usually at the same time.

The picture on the left was taken on April 1st, giving us hope of spring! Then the one on the right was April 2nd! Crazy! The silly snow stayed on the ground for a couple of days!

Easter, 2020.  Certainly a different Easter than usual, since there were no big group activities.  Molly and Hallie had their own little egg hunt.  Maden made a treasure/egg hunt for Annie and Clark, even giving his own money as the treasure!

I was feeling a little depressed and had little ambition to do much.  Cindy and my friend Billie's daughter, JoWayne reminded me that Billie would have been busy making masks. So, I got busy! First I made masks for all of my family, (which are pictured in the bottom middle) then I have made them to donate. As of April 30, I had made over 200.  It definitely gave me a purpose and something to do with my time.  My mother has helped by cutting a lot of them out, and sewing some.

This is why I made masks for my family.  We would have taken more family pictures while Cindy and Ken should have been here, and since that was not happening, we did these to remember this crazy year.  Thanks guys for being so willing to take these pictures.

Hallie really did not want to wear that mask! She must have known that children under 2 years old are not supposed to wear them.  I laugh every time I look at these failed attempts, especially the bottom one where she threw it down! 
My sister Lynne asked me to send her some masks for her family, then rewarded me with this cute picture of her family wearing them.

Just some randomness with my cute grandkids.  Brian was pushing Clark, Annie and Ryder really high on the swing, there was a lot of squealing and giggling.  Hallie was really happy to go visit her brother, and she loved riding on the lawn mower with Uncle Randy.

These kids love to be together, and they love being outside! Ryder and Clark make up all sorts of games to play and laugh and giggle.  Molly loves Annie, and they had a great time on the swing. And that Hallie girl just thinks she needs to be outside every second.

We all laughed at Hallie thinking she wanted to drink the mustard.  Ryder got Grandpa to the game "Trouble" with him instead of their usual Hide and Seek.  Hallie thought she was really a big girl to ride in the big car seat, facing forward. (She only went 1 mile) Ryder and Molly are always so thrilled to see each other!

The Archery Range has become a favorite place to go spend some time. The little kids like it too. Ryder and Clark really had a good time on this particular day, making up fun games with sticks while the dads and grandpa shoot their arrows.

And Jared even gets to go sometimes. Then Nikelle tried Maden's bow out in the front yard. Archery has definitely served as a good diversion from being on lockdown.

By the end of April, the tulips were beautiful! I love them! The only thing I wish is that they would last longer! But, they were so beautiful while they lasted!

April 29th was a beautiful warm day, so I took my chair and went over to my mother's back yard.  I sat 6 feet away and we had a nice in person visit! That was a highlight of the week, or month!

Another thing I've found that I enjoy is digital paint by number.  These are just a few of the "paintings" I've done.  I feel so talented! It is very relaxing and fulfilling.

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