Monday, December 9, 2019

November 2019

Molly loved her "camping" Koala Crate this time.  She played and played with it.

A fun day with these kiddos.  Blake went to Perkins in the morning with the 4 goofy ones on the bench.  Then we went to Maden's ballgame, then to Texas Roadhouse.  Annie and Molly got ahold of my phone and had a great time taking pictures.  It started out as kind of a sad time when we first got to Roadhouse.  Because Maden was asked to stay and play in a second game, Brian stayed at the gym with him.  We took Annie and Clark with us.  When we got in the building, we had to go wait in the "peanut room". After about two minutes, I realized that Clark wasn't there with the other kids choosing songs at the jukebox, or playing in the peanuts.  Blake, Randy and Jared took off outside to look for him, Courtney stayed with Annie, Ryder and Molly. I went into the restaurant, I found him in the arms of a server as she was carrying him around looking for his parents.  He was very upset! When I got back out front, Annie was way upset and was very glad to see her brother.  Clark was pretty mad at me the whole time, and then when his dad got there, he wouldn't leave his side.  So sad, so sorry Clark!

Jared brought his girls down one Friday night, and we had a fun time playing "Quixx". Hallie thinks she's just as big as everyone else.  The next day, we watched more of Maden's games.  

My niece, Michelle came over one Wednesday and helped me clean out the pantry.  Look at all the outdated stuff! It filled two huge garbage bags! Every time I walk into it now that it's all cleaned out, I'm so happy, and impressed!  Ryder decided he wanted to try egg nog, he claimed he liked it!

We watched Hallie and Molly while Jared and Nikelle helped some friends move, then Ryder came in the afternoon too.  Molly and Ryder love having Grandpa read to them, and Hallie thought she should be in on the story, too.  Nikelle's friend gave them this fancy Jeep walker.  Molly and Ryder had a great time pushing Hallie around the house in it.

More basketball! Ryder and Clark thought they were really cool to be taller than everyone!

Nov. 28 - Thanksgiving -My parents and Blake and I ended up being alone for the holiday, so we went to Fort Hall to the Painted Horse Buffet special Thanksgiving dinner.  It was pretty good, but not quite as good as the last time we went down there.

Look how nicely 18 Christmas Stockings fit on my nice mantel! I love it.  The kids all love seeing all the stockings and looking at the pictures and reading and spelling the names.

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