Thursday, September 17, 2009


Brian and Celia bought two boxes of peaches and wanted to bottle them.  They got ripe when Brian had to work, so they brought the peaches to our house and we helped Celia bottle them. 
Celia got all educated on the process of canning peaches.  It wasn't as easy or fast as she thought it would be, but it was a positive experience, she might even do it again next year.
Jared and Celia pealing peaches and putting them into the bottles.  (Jared looks like a giant standing beside Celia.)
If you look carefully you will see a flashlight to the left of Jared's arm.  We were a little more than halfway done with the peaches when the power went off!
Luckily, we were processing the peaches in the garage on the cache cooker!  We finished up by flashlight. 
Celia's taking some bottles out of the steam canner.  They look so pretty!  She got 28 quarts of peaches!  Good work Celia!


Jodi said...

Those peaches look gorgeous! Its always way better to do canning projects with other people. That way you don't feel so hopeless about the huge mess!
Good job Celia!
Did you see our corn project?
It was enough to make you cry!

Lori said...

That is awesome!! I never would have been able to finish. You are quite inventive!!