Thursday, June 6, 2024

May 2024


May 2 - Penny and Hallie are enjoying these fun little chairs.

May 3 - Really, May 3? There shouldn't be snow in Pocatello in May! I enjoyed my time inside the temple anyway.

The snow is gone, and I decided to put some fake flowers out on the patio to bring a little spring into my life!

May 4 - Beautiful, peaceful sunrise!

Scottlynn got to come visit! She's getting so big!

May 5 - More visits from Scottlynn!

May 6 - Beautiful sunset!

May 7 - Penny is dancing! She's starting to want to stand on her feet more.

We had wind, rain, snow, hail and loud thunder!

Jared and Blake are digging a big hole in Jared's lawn to fix a leaking sprinkler line. It's turning into a big job.

May 8 - Parkwood Meadows - I went up with Michelle and Paul.  We didn't know there would be horses there! Paul was the star of show, he loved the horses!

These beautiful, unique flowers came from Cindy and Ken! I love them!

May 9 - Penny was being a big girl! She held Hallie's hand to walk, Hallie helped her climb up on the bed, and she had to sit in the booster seat.

Penny worked really hard to get up on the bed, then she was so pleased with herself!

There was a cat up in the tree. Jared and Blake working on getting the leaking sprinkler line fixed.

May 10 - Gorgeous start to the day!

May 13 - Randy got to be the one to fill the big hole.  I guess a snow plow is for more than snow.

Maden got to be the bingo caller at Parkwood Meadows.  He did really well. He was getting some service hours for National Junior Honor Society.

Wonderful way to end the day!

May 14 - Blake gave me this beautiful orchid for Mother's Day.  The May Day Tree is blooming nicely.

Penny standing, and taking a few steps!

May 15 - It's a nice, bright sunny day.  Almost too bright for a picture. It was nice of the sun to hide behind a little cloud long enough to get a better picture.

I think Penny likes being a big girl in a big girl car seat.

May 16 - Hallie graduated from Preschool! She has really loved going to the Busy Bee Preschool.  She has learned so much and is ready for kindergarten!  Ryder got to come because he didn't have school.  

May 17 - Blake and I went on a little trip to the Brigham City Temple.  

May 19 - Penny suffers from a bit of jealousy if Scottlynn is in "her" places! It's hard to be big sometimes.  Scottlynn seems to think it's not so hard to be big.

May 20 - I got to go to the Young Author event at Ryder's school.  We looked through his book, he has written some really good stories. Then, we went to Chick Fit A for his birthday lunch.  He will turn 9 on the 23rd! We went to Game Stop where he picked out a game for the switch. We went to KaKoJo's and played some arcade games.  The guy was nice enough to give him the soccer ball even though he didn't quite have enough points.  I didn't get a picture, but we also went to Orange Leaf for a treat, and it was snowing when we came out!  I can't believe Ryder is 9! He's a very tall, talkative, happy, energetic fun young man! Love you Ryder!

May 21 - Hallie helped me make banana bread and lick the beater! We walked down to the Little Free Library to choose a new book.  There was a pretty cat just sitting by our tree.

May 25 - Celebrating Ryder!

Oooh, Scottlynn is excited to see these fun friends!

May 26 - Hallie, Penny, and Molly got to come to our house to get ready for church. Cute girls all brushing their teeth.

May 27 - Memorial Day at the Ammon Cemetery.  

Playing "Clear It" with Maden and Clark.  Clark ended up with almost a whole deck of cards in his hand! Maden kept getting texts from his friends that made him smile.

May 28 - I went to the Pocatello Temple, and on the way home the car said it was 82 degrees! Finally! I straightened my hair, but think I prefer curly.

May 29 - Visiting my parents at Parkwood Meadows - Randy and Julie came, along with Shauna and Troy and Michelle and her boys.  Micheal is the only one of the boys in this picture.

May 30 - This time, Molly got to help make the banana bread and lick the beater!

May 31 - Molly and I went to visit Grandma Beth and Grandpa Paul, we got to eat lunch with them.  Molly wanted to learn to play "Clear It" and she ended up with a whole lot of cards in her hand.