Wednesday, July 10, 2024

June 2024


June 1 - Jared and Blake were laying some sod in Jared's yard and Penny was a big helper.

Brian had some extra rocks from his yard, so they loaded them up in the dump trailer and brought them to our house to fill in some low spots. 

As you can see, Penny loved the chocolate chip cookies at McDonald's.  Then, Scottlynn got to try a lemon, she didn't even pull a sour face.

June 2 - Grandpa and some little girls. I don't think this is how the saucer is meant to be used.

June 4 - We went to the Jordan River Temple.

June 5 - Another trip to McDonald's and more cookies!

My niece Alexis's little boy, Taylor loves all our big trucks!

June 6 - Molly got to meet a new cousin, Ava.  They hit it off at Bear World.  There are lots of games played when my sisters are in town! And end the day with a beautiful sunset.

June 7 - Shauna and Troy hosted a dinner at their place in Firth.  It was a delicious meal and fun company.

Shauna was the Pied Piper with little kids following her.  The kids had fun playing ball and dancing.

Penny thought she was cool to have her mom's mug.  Logan had to get on the roof to retrieve balls that got thrown up there. Another beautiful sunset.  

June 8 - Penny is being Grandpa's helper again and trying to figure out the scooter.  Then she went to share MacyAnn's blanket on the grass.

We had a family gathering at Parkwood Meadows.  We had pot luck lunch, a mini concert from Logan.  He didn't bring his own instruments, so he was good enough to play Blake's trumpet.  He was amazing! Jerry McCoy, a resident at Parkwoood painted this lion for Molly!

Brian had Clark's birthday party at Blastoff.  Annie and Molly worked hard at the climbing wall.  Hallie, Clark and Declan loved playing in the maze.

Maden and Nikelle played in the arcade.  Molly and Annie played some mini golf. Penny loved walking around in the maze and getting in the ball pits.

Clark was so cute when he was opening his presents, and being sung to.  His cake had a picture of him on his motorcycle.  

June 9 - 4 of the 5 sisters! Grandmas and granddaughters.

June 10 - Penny loves Michelle and Paul!

June 11 - Lynne arranged for baptisms at the Idaho Falls temple. Mom and Dad were able to ride the bus and come to the temple! Stefi, Samuel and Rob were baptized and the rest of us got to participate in the confirmations.  It was a great day!

June 14 - I got to take Clark to lunch and shopping before he turned 9!  He chose to go to Tche! It was great fun!  Then, we went to game stop.  He chose a game that wasn't a physical copy, so he only had a receipt for the download code.  We went to Ka-Ko-Jo's for some arcade fun! I loved spending time with Clark, he was so fun, happy and excited!

June 15 - An absolutely gorgeous sunset!

The sky was almost as pretty in the east.

July 16 - The kids painted some Brody Rocks and put them by the Brody Tree.  I love it!

Annie was a great baby tender!

Look how big Scottlynn is getting!

June 19 - The flowers are starting to bloom! 

I love all the flowers!

The orchid that Blake gave me for Mother's Day is still blooming beautifully!

June 23 - Some of us gathered to celebrate Brody! Penny thought she should ride in the dump truck, so Declan was happy to push her.

Penny sure is loving the freedom that walking brings her.  She also loved carrying Declan's Elmo around.

We had this friendly cat come for a little visit.

The flowers are looking so good and make me so happy.

June 25 - Another breathtaking sunset!

June 26 - I love this coral color!

I took Scottlynn to Parkwood, she was the star of show! 

June 27 - Hallie, Molly and Penny on the big swing!

July 28 - Some before and after pictures of the curbing and rocks on the south side of Jared's house.

Blake and Jared hard at work placing dirt and rocks and sod where they need it in Jared's yard.  The Lillies are taller than Hallie.

Randy Gneiting came with his tractor to help move the propane tank off the pavement into the rocks.

June 29 - While we were at Rupes, Ryder found his Grandpa Early!

Celebrate Blackfoot Fireworks are always so great!

June 30 - the Lillies that Blake planted by the fence look like they are in the desert. But they are a nice pop of color out there.  

Penny thinks she is so funny to get in Scottlynn's swing.