We finally got Randy's package that he sent on Dec 31st. He sent some nice warm "tukes" (hats) and his memory card. He had sent a tuke home last year and Blake and Jared love it, so they told him on the phone on Christmas to bring more home with him. He found some on sale after Christmas and decided to send them now. Most of the pictures were of Christmas, he loved opening all the presents and since even the little tiny things were wrapped he had a lot to open!
He seems thrilled with everything, he LOVES Nutter Butters!
This is a video he took on a lock down day, as you can see they have to do some thinking and creating to fill up their time on those days. They can't leave their apartment when it is -40 real temperature or wind chill. There is a recording at the Winnipeg Airport that they call every morning to get the temperature so they know if they can go out.
Randy was thrilled that they had baked potatoes!
He and Elder Willardson had got caught in a huge rainstorm, he said they were soaked to the skin. His planner and books were all wet, too.
the water trick is pretty cool -- cold i mean! think i would die there.
that was pretty fun to see. I especially loved the sound of fun from those missionaries.
I loved the video. I will have to show my kids! -40 crazy!
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