Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Annual West Yellowstone Adventure

Last week we took our annual trip to West Yellowstone. There were some differences this year, though. First off, only 3 of us went on Wednesday, Blake, Randy and I left about 4:00pm and got to West Yellowstone about 6:00. Courtney came up on the shuttle on Firday morning. So compared to the last 2 years when we had 8, it was very quiet. Next, we had two brand new snow machines and one brand new pickup! They all worked really well, much improved over the old ones.

There is not much snow this year, see the small black light pole to the right of the wooden doors? Other years that has been completely covered by snow.

It was really cold on Thursday morning!
Blake and Randy went to Two Top on Thursday, this is a great view of the Tetons!
Randy thought this was cool, the way the wind blew the snow all over this tree and made a hole around the tree. It's called a ghost tree.
After Courtney got there on Friday, and after it had warmed up a little, we all took off for a day of riding.
We rode to Meadow Creek Lodge for some lunch.

Here we are, waiting for our food.
We went to Big Springs.
We did find some trees that had snow on them, but mostly they were green.
  Sure not as much snow this year.
Blake at the top of the hill.
Randy at the top.
On Saturday after Blake and Randy got done riding, we went to Gushers Pizza. There were a bunch of guys that rode their machines to get some pizza. We rode in New Big Red.

On Sunday, we went to Sacrament Meeting, then ate a great Sunday dinner, played some games and watched 17 Miracles and some other movies. It was a nice relaxing day. Monday morning, we woke up to a little new snow, too bad it was time to go home!


  1. dad actually wears his glasses? i still say no snow isn't a bad thing :)

  2. Actually, those are my glasses, he had to wear them to read the card! No snow is a bad thing if your are trying to snow machine!
