Friday, March 7, 2025

February 2025


February 2-  I love that Penny and Scottlynn are starting to interact some.  Penny was being so nice to share "her" dolls.

February 3 - Snow!

February 4 - I got to take Hallie to a late lunch or early dinner. I picked her up from school and she chose to go to McDonald's.  She loved having the play area all to herself. She was thrilled to get ice cream.  She chose this cute doll and got a balloon.  It was a good day. Hallie is such a fun, kind of sassy, mostly happy girl.  I can't believe she's turning 6 on Feb. 6th!

February 6 - Penny is a good little helper to clean up her breakfast mess.

We had little tiny cupcakes for Hallie's birthday.  She was thrilled!

February 8 - Watching Ryder play basketball!

After his game, we went to Idaho Falls and picked up some Coasta Vida and took it to my Mom for a little birthday surprise.  She loved it! I'm sad that I didn't get a picture.

After lunch with Mom, we went to watch Clark play. 

Then, we got to go watch Annie!

Clark loves Scottlynn and she definitely loves him.  She's learning to smile for the camera.

Clark practiced shooting during time outs and after the game.  Brian told him he couldn't leave until he made one.  

February 9 - Annie and Scottlynn snuggling, Scottlynn eating a lot, and Scottlynn checking out Cole and the toy he's laying under, then she's glad to get to play with it.

Super Bowl food!

Hallie thought the spit cake was so awesome.  Kansas City Chiefs on one side and a princess for Hallie on the other side.

Penny thought it was fun to sit by anyone and everyone.  Hallie danced with Scottlynn. Even Cole had a Chiefs shirt.  It was a fun day, even if the Chiefs didn't play so well.

February 12 - My Mother's Day orchid is blooming again.  Penny is "playing" with Cole and feeding her doll in the high chair.

February 13 - Penny and her tiny baby are really enjoying Sesame Street.

February 14 - We started the day off with a good snowstorm.  Jared was so nice to come and plow us out.

I went to lunch at the Parkwood Valentines Day Luncheon.  Kayleen and her kids came too.  We ended up winning some nice prizes.  I was even the grand prize winner.  It was a fun day.

We went to Wendy's with Jared's family.  The girls loved it.

February 15 - More snow.  Looks like some cat tracks on the patio. 

We got to watch Ryder play more basketball.

Then we went to watch Clark.  It was a funny situation, the opposing team didn't show up, so they let random people play against Clark's team.  Brian, Maden, Annie and two other people were on the court sometimes.  Clark said it was the funnest game ever.

We got to watch Annie play, too.  Scottlynn is getting used to being at the games.  Clark had to shoot until he made it again.

February 16 - More snow.

Another Sunday dinner.  Ryder and Molly got their own private little table.  Molly was wearing her spaghetti on her face. 

We played an extra long game of Uno Attack.  It seemed like the game that would never end.

Then, we played a fun little marble balancing game.  

February 19 - I got some new end tables and Michelle came and put them together.  Penny looks like a small teenager with a phone.  The end tables look really nice.

February 20 - I cleaned out and rearranged the Office closet.  It's so much better.

We got some more snow.  Penny loved laying on the warm rug where the furnace vent is.  She wasn't happy when it turned off.

February 21 - Blake and I tried to go to Lava Hot springs, but that didn't work out, so we ended up at Downata Hot Springs.  It was very nice, we enjoyed it.

February 22 - Watching Ryder play more basketball.  Even Cole woke up to watch.

February 25 - Cole got a turn to sit in the high chair.  He seemed to be intrigued by the monkey. He's getting so big!

February 27 - Beautiful morning!

We did a thing....We bought a new car.  It's a Lincoln Nautilus.  It's very fancy and will be a big learning curve for us old folk.  I think we'll really like it, eventually.  They have the color listed as diamond red, but it looks more black or maroon or purple.  We traded the Escape for it.