March 1 - I went to the Pocatello Temple, it was quite the snowstorm coming home.
All of us went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Brian's 40th birthday. We almost got all of us in the picture, Penny, Aubrey and Scottlynn are kind of hidden.
Brian even rode the saddle! Then we went to Brian's house for brownies and cookies and hugs with Scottlynn.
We drove home in a terrible blizzard!
March 2 - Tons of snow! It took all day to keep the driveways plowed out. It was really heavy wet snow. We got about 15 inches between Friday and Saturday. The four wheelers got stuck while plowing. Not a very fun day.
March 4 - Such a beautiful start to the day. Blake does silly things as work.
Just what we want, more snow!
March 7 - Oh the antics of this little Penny girl!
March 9 - We took a little trip to Boise to watch Maden participate in the state Matchcounts event. He ended up taking 9th place. He was very lucky or smart to be in the top ten. I think he's pretty amazing!
On the way home from Boise, we stopped in Pocatello to see Nikelle and Molly dance. Unfortunately, we didn't get there in time to watch Hallie dance.
March 10 - Another beautiful sunrise. And a beautiful little Scottlynn trying out the swing.
March 12 - A perfect shirt for this little Sassy girl!
March 14 - We took a little trip to Salt Lake. We could see the Salt Lake Temple from our hotel window, it looks so sad with all the scaffolding around it.Blake cleaned all the leaves out of the hot tub so he could use it later.
March 15 - It was a beautiful sunrise, but I couldn't get a very good picture of it. We went to the Orem Temple. It was very pretty, very much like Pocatello.
We got free tickets to the Jazz game and look who we found there! Mikala and Doug Fairbanks! Our seats were really in the nose bleed section, but it was a good game with the Jazz winning Atlanta by 2!
March 16 - We got to tend this little Penny girl for a few hours. We took her to Homestead and she thought she was so big to try coloring. Then she thought she was so funny to get into the cupboard with her toys.
March 17 - Molly, Hallie And Ryder got the games out to play in the yard. It was a bright sunny day! Penny was struggling with crawling in her cute little dress, so she just stood up! She didn't take any steps, just stood there for a minute or two. She and Happy were begging for some treats.
March 20 - Just look at the beautiful blue sky at the Pocatello temple.
March 21 - Another beautiful sunrise!
March 22 - Such a beautiful smile on this Scottlynn girl!
Blake got the flowers almost all trimmed before a downpour! He only had three left when the skies opened!
March 23 - Blake and Jared raked up all the pinecones and pine needles in Jared's yard. It was a big job, and they took almost 1000 pounds to the dump.
March 24 - We got a little skiff of snow. We celebrated Molly's birthday. She will turn 9 on the 31st. The cupcakes were delicious and looked really nice all over the kids faces.
March 25 - Yep, more snow!
March 26 - We're trying this walker to see if Penny might learn to walk. She wasn't feeling very good and wanted to just snuggle a lot.
More snow!
March 29 - I got to take this cute Molly to lunch and shopping two days before her 9th birthday. We went to Tommy Vaughn's so she could get steak, and they brought her a brownie and ice cream since we were celebrating her birthday. Then we went to Walmart where she found the new switch game she wanted. We sure do love you Molly!
We asre borrowing Scottlynn's walker to see if it is better for Penny. She really zips around! Hopefully it helps her decide she can walk on her own.
March 30 - We took another trip to the Utah and went to the Saratoga Springs Temple. It is very large and kind of unique inside. We are not very good at selfies.
March 31 - Easter - I got a little creative and made some Rice Krispy bird nests. They didn't quite turn out as I envisioned, but they were edible and kind of fun.
I love holding and talking to this growing Scottlynn. She loved talking to the ceiling fan. When Brian asked Annie to take my picture, Declan hopped over and made sure he got in the picture. Cute little guy. |