June 3 - First time out with the boat this year! There was enough water to go to Jensen's Grove. It was a cool early morning, but the skiing or whatever they were doing was great! I love Molly's windblown hair!
We went to Molly and Hallie's dance recital. They did really well and looked so cute.
June 4 - It was my nephew Dallin and Kaylene's baby blessing, which I didn't get any pictures of them or baby Danielle. They had a luncheon at Matsuura's clubhouse and these kids who have been taking tennis lessons couldn't resist trying to play some tennis.
June 6 & 7 - I had a run in with a can of mandarin oranges that decided to fall off the pantry shelf and onto my toe! It hurt so, so bad. Randy came running to my rescue as I stood in a pool of blood. He got me all cleaned up. I had Blake come over to look at it at Promontory Point. He suggested that I have Brian look at it also. Brian and Aubrey thought I should go see Dr. James. I got into him the next day. He said it wasn't broken, and that he couldn't stitch it up because the nail was in the way. It has been so sore and tender, but I'm glad it was my left foot, so I can still drive and that it's summer so I can wear sandals.
The kids had fun with a little water party. I bought some reusable water balloons, and Nikelle made some sponge balls. They had a great time.
Aubrey went to talk to Hank, the neighbors dog, the adults and Penny just chilled while the kids played.
Brian and Aubrey got a shark piñata, the kids all got one turn before Maden knocked it down and it broke. There was a pile of kids getting at the candy!
Cake and presents time! The cake got cut before we sang, but Clark didn't care. He loved having day to just celebrate him.
June 14 - Blake and I went to Salt Lake to pick up my sister and niece Suzanne and Stefi from the airport, but first we went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. It was very nice. When we came out, there was this beautiful duck just sitting in the grass.
June 16 - We made a quick trip to Island Park to help Jared shuttle trailers and do some electrical work. Nikelle and the girls and I waited at a cabin while the men were working. On the way home from Island Park, we stopped in at Merralee's house and saw this cute little kitten.
June 17 - I got to take Clark to lunch at Chick Fil A. We got a 30 piece nugget to share. The gift he wanted to buy turned out to be a little over budget, but he was pretty stoked to find this game for the switch.
I found Blake, Brian, Maden and Annie at the Sunnyside Tennis Courts. Annie was playing for the very first time ever. Everyone else was practicing a little bit of patience.
The therapists at Promontory Point wanted to try one last time to help mom get into a car. My car ended up being the best height for her. So we went for a little spin. We drove past Brian's new house, and up to the cemetery, then we went through the drive through at Wendy's and got a Frosty. I think Mom enjoyed it.
June 19 - Look at the "treasures" Molly and Hallie found when they helped Grandpa pick up pine cones.
June 22 - A major life change for my parents. Mom had come to the end of her time at Promontory Point, so she moved into an Assisted Living Center called Parkwood Meadows in Idaho Falls. My Dad was able to move in with her! My sisters Shauna, Suzanne, Lynne and I were able to go in the day before and hang some pictures and decorate so it felt like home. My brothers in law Troy Terry and Rob and nephew Samuel helped moved the furniture in. Mom and Dad have settled in nicely and seem to be enjoying the little community there.
June 23 - Blake and I crashed a party, kind of....Lynne, Rob, Samuel, Suzanne, Troy, Branson, Avery and Stefi, planned to to do baptisms at the Pocatello Temple. We decided to go to dinner at Homestead with them. There was time before the temple appointment to come back and play some games. It was very nice to witness the baptisms and participate in the confirmations. Then we came back and played some more games. It was a fun night.
June 24 - Blake's 50th Class Reunion! We met Bruce Beardsley there. It was really a nice day. They took pictures ins groups, so this is the portion that Blake was in.
June 25 - We met Jared's family at the cemetery to commemorate what would have been Brody's 6th birthday on the 23rd. Penny thought she was funny to sit in the dump truck. The girls had fun chasing bubbles.
June 26 - Suzanne and some of her family stayed with us for almost 2 weeks, and I did not take many pictures! Here they are playing games with Mom, then taking Mom for a "walk". It was so fun having them come!
June 28 - Penny thinks it's funny to get her toenails cut. We took a chair from mom and dad's basement for Mom to sit in and get a break from her wheelchair. I think she likes it!
June 30 - Blake, Randy and Ryder went fishing at the pond in Shelley. They didn't catch any fish, but had fun trying.