Thursday, December 8, 2022

November 2022


November 1 - Hallie forgot her backpack, so she took one of mine to preschool.  She thought it was very funny.

November 4 - Since the Pocatello Temple was closed for cleaning, I went to the Idaho Falls Temple with my parents. It's always nice to go back there, but Pocatello really feels like home now.

November 5 - Blake and Jared went to Swan Valley to do an electrical job and ended up getting stuck in the fresh snow.

November 8 - We got some snow overnight.  I was so grateful that Randy came and plowed our driveway.

November 9 - Most of the snow melted leaving a huge puddle in the rocks in front of the house.

November 11 - We had a nice little shower for Nikelle and baby Penny. The theme was Pennies, so cute and so fun, and good food. Hallie is a cute little photo bomber!

November 12 - Blake, Brian and Jared went to the European Wild Boar Hunt in Shoshone.  It was a new experience for all of them.  They came home with two wild boars!

I got to go watch Ryder play basketball.  He's a lot more sure of himself and played really well.

November 16 - Randy and Blake cleaned their guns before they went rabbit hunting.  Randy is somewhat of an expert on cleaning guns now.

November 19 - Molly and Hallie got to spend the night with us.  They wanted fancy hair, so we had to take pictures of it.  They went with us to clean the church and were good little helpers.  After cleaning, we went to Ridley's and got doughnuts for a reward.

We went to watch Ryder play basketball, and tried to take some selfies, but were not very successful.  Then we took them to the arcade in the mall in Idaho Falls.  I took them home to go to bed, so I had to watch the Jazz game on my laptop, it's a little different than on our 85 inch TV at home.

November 21 - Ryder had a reading event at his school.  Grandpa Paul came and read with him! They both said it was a fun day!

November 22 - I got to spend the afternoon with these three cuties.  They had lunch, and played some games.  I love spending time with my grandkids!

November 23 - Ryder made me jealous because he got to go to a Jazz game! He promised he would have his Aunt Makala send me a picture! He said he had a great time even though the Jazz lost.

November 24 - Thanksgiving Day - We ended up with a houseful of guests.  Blake and I, my parents, my brother Randy and his wife Julie, along with their daughter Chelsey and her family. Also, my sister Lynne and her husband Rob, their sons Samuel, Dallin and his family and Joseph and his family. My nephew Branson and his fiancé Avery were here also. There were 24 of us.  Our house handled it all really well, and the food was wonderful.

After dinner, there was a lot of games played and visiting done.  Thanks for coming everyone!

November 25 - Blake helped me put up the Christmas Tree and the Stockings. I didn't know the new tree was so skinny, but I really like it.  We took a break and went to Texas Roadhouse, then came back and put out all of my Nativities.  I love how it all turned out!

November 26 - Lynne and Rob were staying with us, and when they went to leave, it had snowed quite a bit, so Rob shoveled a path to back out of the garage.  When we went to leave a couple hours, we had to shovel a path for us to get out. It quit snowing later, and the whole driveway got shoveled!

I finished decorating! It looks so festive and fun.  The grandkids love it all.