Thursday, December 8, 2022

November 2022


November 1 - Hallie forgot her backpack, so she took one of mine to preschool.  She thought it was very funny.

November 4 - Since the Pocatello Temple was closed for cleaning, I went to the Idaho Falls Temple with my parents. It's always nice to go back there, but Pocatello really feels like home now.

November 5 - Blake and Jared went to Swan Valley to do an electrical job and ended up getting stuck in the fresh snow.

November 8 - We got some snow overnight.  I was so grateful that Randy came and plowed our driveway.

November 9 - Most of the snow melted leaving a huge puddle in the rocks in front of the house.

November 11 - We had a nice little shower for Nikelle and baby Penny. The theme was Pennies, so cute and so fun, and good food. Hallie is a cute little photo bomber!

November 12 - Blake, Brian and Jared went to the European Wild Boar Hunt in Shoshone.  It was a new experience for all of them.  They came home with two wild boars!

I got to go watch Ryder play basketball.  He's a lot more sure of himself and played really well.

November 16 - Randy and Blake cleaned their guns before they went rabbit hunting.  Randy is somewhat of an expert on cleaning guns now.

November 19 - Molly and Hallie got to spend the night with us.  They wanted fancy hair, so we had to take pictures of it.  They went with us to clean the church and were good little helpers.  After cleaning, we went to Ridley's and got doughnuts for a reward.

We went to watch Ryder play basketball, and tried to take some selfies, but were not very successful.  Then we took them to the arcade in the mall in Idaho Falls.  I took them home to go to bed, so I had to watch the Jazz game on my laptop, it's a little different than on our 85 inch TV at home.

November 21 - Ryder had a reading event at his school.  Grandpa Paul came and read with him! They both said it was a fun day!

November 22 - I got to spend the afternoon with these three cuties.  They had lunch, and played some games.  I love spending time with my grandkids!

November 23 - Ryder made me jealous because he got to go to a Jazz game! He promised he would have his Aunt Makala send me a picture! He said he had a great time even though the Jazz lost.

November 24 - Thanksgiving Day - We ended up with a houseful of guests.  Blake and I, my parents, my brother Randy and his wife Julie, along with their daughter Chelsey and her family. Also, my sister Lynne and her husband Rob, their sons Samuel, Dallin and his family and Joseph and his family. My nephew Branson and his fiancé Avery were here also. There were 24 of us.  Our house handled it all really well, and the food was wonderful.

After dinner, there was a lot of games played and visiting done.  Thanks for coming everyone!

November 25 - Blake helped me put up the Christmas Tree and the Stockings. I didn't know the new tree was so skinny, but I really like it.  We took a break and went to Texas Roadhouse, then came back and put out all of my Nativities.  I love how it all turned out!

November 26 - Lynne and Rob were staying with us, and when they went to leave, it had snowed quite a bit, so Rob shoveled a path to back out of the garage.  When we went to leave a couple hours, we had to shovel a path for us to get out. It quit snowing later, and the whole driveway got shoveled!

I finished decorating! It looks so festive and fun.  The grandkids love it all.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

October 2022


October 1 - Ryder had a good soccer game! We had a party to celebrate Aubrey and Declan.  Aubrey's birthday is Oct. 5th, Declan's is on the 7th. Blake was awake for most of the party!

October 2 - The kids piled into Brian's pickup bed for the ride from Jared's house back to our house.  

October 3 - I got to take Declan out to lunch and to go shopping before his birthday.  It was all new to him, and he couldn't quite figure out why we were doing it.  By the time it was over, he thought it was great! It was fun getting to know this new little bonus grandson.

October 4 - We got to spend the day with Hallie and Ryder. We went to McDonald's for lunch, then went to Ridley's.  Hallie insisted that Ryder push her in the cart.  Ryder didn't quite know how to deal with that, and felt kind of silly. But he kept pushing her.  They had fun getting underdogs on the big swing while we were waiting for Molly to come home on the bus.

October 6 - Blake and I went to Billings, MT for some CME classes.  We stayed right downtown in the Northern Hotel.  We were lucky enough to find a Red Lobster!

October 7 - We were able to go to the Billings temple.  It's a really nice little temple.

October 8 - We drove to the sight of "The Battle of Little Bighorn", sometimes called "Custer's Last Stand". It was kind of interesting, both the events that happened and the place it took place. 

October 10 - We had a little issue with the filter in our sprinkler box, Randy was able to get the parts to fix it.  He had to lay on the ground to be able to reach the pipes he was fixing.  

October 11 - Another beautiful Sunrise! I love these reminders of Heavenly Father's love by witnessing His beautiful creations.

October 14 - We got to spend some time with Ryder, Molly and Hallie. They had fun at on the playground at Jensen's Grove. 

More fun at the playground.

They went down to the lake and skipped some rocks.  

We had Mac & Cheese for dinner, then played some "Go Fish", then read some of the Blog Book.  It was a good day!

October 15 - Molly and Hallie spent the night, so I got to fix their hair.  Molly called Hallie's hair "bear hair" because she thought it looked like bears ears.  I was really proud of the French braid I did for Molly. It was the best one I have ever done, and it looked really cute on Molly. 

Since it was my birthday, we put a candle in my muffin (there wasn't a good picture of it), Blake took the girls shopping and bought me some really cute little Christmas decorations.  We picked up Ryder and met Brian's family at Texas Roadhouse.  They brought the saddle out, and I made Annie get on it for me.  

We went out to the New Sweden Farm and Corn Maze.  Molly decided that it had been a long time since we had taken a picture of "the triplets". Maden, Clark, Ryder, Hallie and I had fun playing the giant Connect Four game.

Ryder, Clark and Hallie went down these slides a lot of times!

Molly and Annie got to ride the ponies. They bounced on the trampoline.  Clark and Declan were on the trampoline for a good long time! Annie, Molly, Ryder and Hallie liked going for a ride in the barrels.

Maden and Hallie threw some axes, Maden got a bullseye! They jumped on a little tramp, and Molly and Ryder went on the slides again.  We got some ice cream and French fries at Culvers on the way home.

Jared and Nikelle brought me a cute bouquet of flowers and yarn, and these cute blocks with pictures of me, my mom and grandma.  Love it!

October 16 - Just a little pickle ball for Blake, Jared, Brian and Randy.

Nikelle and Jared had a birthday dinner for me, with a yummy carrot cake! I felt very special!

October 17 - This beautiful plant came from Cindy and Ken. Such a cute little bucket.  Hallie did not have a nap while she was watching Paw Patrol.  When she woke up from not napping we played "old Grandma". 

My talented sister, Tricia send me these amazing water colors of my two houses! I love them.  I knew she was doing my new house, but she surprised me with one of the "Red House"! I love them!

I hung them in my mud room across from the drop zone.  They look really good there.

October 18 - Finally getting some fall colors! More of God's beauty!

October 22 - We took a little ride to Salt Lake with Brian and Aubrey.  We went to Cheesecake Factory in Murray, then to Gardner Village in West Jordon, then down to the outlet stores in Lehi.  It rained hard on the way home all through Utah, then it turned to snow just past Tremonton. I wasn't good at getting pictures, but it was a fun little day trip.

October 23 - I thought that is was amazing how these trees to the east were reflecting the sun from the west.  Beautiful!

October 25 - Hallie loved this story she got to bring home from preschool.

October 26 - First snow! the roses were doing so well, and now it's over.

October 27 - Blake and Randy put together the snow plow for our new 4 wheeler.  Now we're ready fir winter.  

We ended up with a couple of inches of snow that stayed pretty much all day.

I got to go be with Annie for a pre-birthday lunch at Chick-fil-A, shopping at Target, and ice cream and voting on the pumpkins at Reed's Dairy.  We had a fun time! 

October 29 - I was lucky enough to watch this sunrise go from beautiful purples to deep oranges, it was almost breathtaking!

I got to go watch Ryder play basketball in the old gym at Blackfoot High School.  I haven't been in that gym for a long time! It was fun to watch Ryder play.  He had a really nice assist to Ian, our neighbor.  

Nikelle and I took Molly and Hallie to the Snake River Craft Fair and carnival.  Aubrey, Clark and Declan met us there.  I didn't get very many pictures, but the kids had great time playing the games.

We celebrated Annie! I made her a Banana Bread 10.  Maden wanted to light the candles and Annie was scared of him having the fire lighter.  The kids all love to watch opening presents. She got pretty spoiled.

We carved or painted pumpkins or both.  It worked well to do it in the garage.  The heater out there kept it nice and warm. The kids and grown ups were very creative with their pumpkins. 

I was going to carve the teal one, but the meat was too thick, so Blake cut it up and we're eating it like squash. 

It was a fun activity, and they turned out so cute!

October 30 - Annie is 10! It's so fun to see her grow up right before our eyes.  We love you, Annie!

October 31 - Halloween! Molly was a witch, Ryder was Mahomes from the Kansas City Chiefs, Hallie was a mermaid riding a sea horse.  We met up with the Cook and Leifson cousins for Trunk or Treat.

Mom, Dad and I had fun handing out the candy to all these cuties.  We gave it all away.  

We got home just in time for this beautiful sunset, and for more trick or treaters! I had to raid my cupboards and find more candy to give out! Next year, I'll know to save some for trick or treaters at the house.  They kept coming until 9:00!