November 4 - Blake saw this cute little rabbit at the Archery Range, it looks like someone's pet.
November 7 - Ryder lost his first tooth, while he was in Utah. And Molly discovered she has a loose one!
Just a little photo shoot with Miss Hallie and Miss Molly. Such cutie pies!Maden, Annie and Clark came to play. Everyone enjoyed a little bit of electronic time, and some pizza.
Randy found a dead woodpecker at his new house. Jared found a deer down by the river bottoms in Firth, and it was soon dead when he shot it with an arrow. Hallie really didn't know what to think of the deer when it was hanging in the shed.
November 9 - Randy and Courtney's house is shingled and wrapped!

November 11 - Blake and I went to watch Molly and Hallie, they had a fun time painting with water, being Minnie Mouse and singing "Popcorn" with grandpa. When we left, it was a blizzard, we couldn't see anything. I was very glad Blake was there to drive us safely home.
November 12 - Rabbit hunting has begun. Looks like a lot of rabbits to hunt this year.
November 14 - Ryder lost his 2nd tooth!
November 20 - Molly lost her tooth!
We had the carpet stretched in the family room and our bedroom. We had to move all the furniture out, then back in again when it got done. Randy and Ryder were huge help!
November 21 - Just some hanging out and reading happening.
November 23 - All the sheetrock is hung!
November 24 - Celia stopped by with the kids to bring me their new school pictures. It was so fun to get a quick hug!
November 26 - Thanksgiving - Started the day with a little snow, it wasn't very much to plow, but it was nice to have the driveway cleared off. This is the only pictures I got the rest of the day. Annie had a great time decorating these Thanksgiving cookies, Maden had a great time decorating one cookie!November 27 - Christmas decorations are up! This is a brand new tree that we bought after Christmas last year. We put the first layer up and turned on the lights, they worked great, then we put the 2nd layer of the tree on, the lights were all on for about 3 seconds, then they went off. We could not get them to come back on! So, we found some strings of lights in the shed and strung them on the tree. It was not a happy time!November 28 - More hanging out, including playing with play dough and playing "The Game".