It was a happy day, it was a sad day. Friday marked the opening day of the 2009 Blackfoot High School tennis season. It was a happy day because the snow was off the courts and the sun was shining brightly! It was a sad day because it also marked the very last opening day of any kind of High School sports for the children of Blake and Diana Purcell! Holy cow, how can we be this old?!?!
Jared, playing at the net, and I'm taking pictures through the fence again.
He's playing mixed doubles with Megan Dalley. She was his partner from last year and they have played some tournaments together during the off season, and it showed. They looked like they did at the end of the season last year, very comfortable with each other. They won 6-0. 6-1!
Jared serving. The kids from Skyline didn't ever get the hang of his serve.