We had a great Christmas Day!! The best part was the phone call with Randy! He sounds good and we had a great visit! We are able to do a three way call with Cindy, it's almost like we are all together.
We use the speaker phone and sit around the table to talk!
When you have a child serving a mission, these phone calls are the best present you can ever get!
Brian had worked all night. He and Celia got here 5 minutes before the phone call. Brian lasted through the first 1/2 hour, but could not stay awake for the last 20 minutes. 
After the phone call, we opened presents. Brian could barely wake up enough to see what he was getting.
Cindy sent us these cool tiles with these sayings; "A mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever" and "Dad a son's first hero a daughter's first love." Cool, huh?
Jared knew he wasn't going to get much for Christmas from us, because the snow machines were a big part of his presents, so he asked Cindy for what he wanted! A really nice back pack to wear when he's snowmachining. It is perfect.
Brian finally woke up enough to look at his presents. This is a family calendar I made for them. I made one for us and Cindy, too. They have become a tradition that I almost forgot about this year, I remembered in the nick of time to get it printed and bound and mailed to Cindy!
Brian did things backward this year. After we opened presents, he went to bed for awhile, then got up to eat dinner. He ate in his pjs, then played games in them too. We got two new games for the Wii, in this picture, they are playing Table Tennis.
We also got more controllers, now they are playing NBA Basketball, they even had a slam dunk contest!
We had a very nice Christmas, with snow and wind and family! What more can you ask? I hope you all had just as nice of a day! Happy New Year!