The first night he had the trap set, he made sure that Poky and Baby were locked in the garage, but he didn't catch a skunk. The next night Baby wouldn't go in the garage, and when he went out in the morning, he had definately caught something black and white! Baby was not happy at being locked up in the cage! She ate all the tuna fish, but was really ready to get out of there!
Blake decided not to set the trap the next night because there had been no sign of the skunk for the last 2 nights. About 2:00 am I woke up to Poky growling, he was in the garage growling like crazy. After a few minutes, I heard him go out of the garage, then I could hear an animal fight. It woke Blake up and he bolted out of bed. By the time he got to the garage, Poky was back in there, but he was leaving a little trail of blood. We don't know what he was fighting with. His ear was scratched and bleeding. Blake went out to the patio and looked to see if the skunk had dug some more and sure enough it had, it was probably under the patio right then! So at 2:30 am, Blake set the trap again. Poky and Baby were safely locked in the garage this time. When Blake got up a little after 5:00 to get in the hot tub, there was the skunk in the trap!
Now, he had a really big problem! How should he get rid of the thing! He had tied a rope on to the trap to drag it away from the house into the field. He had to wear his "headlight" flashlight so he could see where he was going.He got the trap out into the field, but didn't know how he could open the trap and shoot the skunk without being too close. Then he got the idea to drown it, so he filled the ditch with water and dragged the trap to the ditch and dunked it, when it was dead, he buried the stinking thing!
The next night he got a big idea to see if he could trap whatever was fighting with Poky. (We didn't think it was the skunk, because there was no odor.) So, he set the trap out on the driveway. At about midnight I heard the trap door slam shut, so I woke up Blake and he ran out there -- he couldn't tell what was in the trap, finally he got brave enough to get close enough to see --- it was a large black cat! He let it out and it ran off in a real hurry. We still don't know what Poky was fighting with, but decided we've had enough trapping wild animals!
Jackie was a real good traveller. She watched dvd's and ate snacks and played games and counted trucks.
Blake and Jared and Brian all took turns driving. They made sure that Blake was driving when we got near Chicago, so he could deal with the traffic and many roads.
I didn't drive, I just rode along and entertained Jackie, and passed out drinks and snacks. I was probably the worst of the travellers, I'm not a real good sitter for long hours.
Cabela's in Sidney, Nebraska
We had a small trailer for such a big pickup.
Jackie's up bright and early, ready to leave the hotel in Sydney, Ne.
Brian and Jared getting to know Stormy.
Blake and Cindy watching the boys and the dog.
Check out Cindy's blog to see many more pictures of our adventures!
The llamas were very friendly and funny.
Syd feeding the deer, Jackie being a little leary of the deer.
Jared and Brian feeding the deer the apples that Ken cut up for us to take.
Brian and Jared being flushed out of the "toilet bowl". That's what we dubbed this slide, it was the favorite.
Ken, Cindy, Syd and Jackie coming out of the huge slide on a 4 person tube.
Jackie was really good at making it across this pool on these floating logs using the ropes to hang on to.
Brian playing basketball in the water.
Jared, Jackie, Cindy, Blake and Brian touching the stingrays.
Jackie and Syd feeding some birds.
Jared and Jackie petting and brushing some nice goats.
Brian wished he'd worn his swimming suit, he wanted to get out into those waves.
Jared and Cindy checking out some of the waves.
Here are the 5 Purcell's that were together for a few days.
Brian, Cindy and Jared eating their yummy ice cream cones.
We took a fun group picture after we were all cleaned up.
Ken and Cindy and Sydney and Stormy in front of their cute house.
Then this was pieces of a windmill still being built. I love seeing the windmills.
When we got home Blake, Jared and Brian transferred Cindy's brown couch and love seat to Brian's pickup so he could take them home.
There, they are all in, Jared is jumping out so Brian can get home to Celia.
So now our trip that we have been planning for a long time is over, all we have left are the memories and the pictures. It was so fun to see Cindy and Ken's home and do so many fun things with them! Thanks Cindy, Ken and Sydney for such a great time!